A Uruguayan model hanged in a hotel in Mexico City


The body of Fatimih Davila, laureate of Miss Universe Uruguay 2006, was found in a hotel in Mexico City, according to local authorities. The 31-year-old girl was hanged in the shower in the bedroom.

The floor of the Mexican capital indicated that, following a complaint filed in the early morning, the police had found the body of the woman "in the bathroom of one of the rooms" of a hotel located in the city center. "An investigation into the crime of homicide has been opened," the statement added. A prosecutor's official, who requested anonymity, told the AFP news agency that the victim was identified as Fatimih Davila. as the winner of the 2006 beauty pageant, she was 31 years old.

According to an Instagram account with the name of the girl, it is mentioned that she is currently a model in Mexico, although the most recent publication dates from early January. "The investigations carried out made it possible to establish that the woman had arrived in Mexico City on April 23 and that one acquaintance had helped her to settle in the same hotel because she would have an interview hiring, "added the prosecution.

In Mexico, she had already made short films in soap operas such as "El Triunfo del Amor" of Televisa in 2010. The model arrived in the capital of the country with the promise of a job done by a friend, from whom the name was not given, who helped her to settle in the hotel where she was found hanged in the bathroom on Thursday. In Mexico, killings of women with a rate of 7.5 per day rebounded, according to UN Women. In recent years, many foreign women have arrived in Mexico with promising employment, but many end up being trafficked and sometimes murdered.


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