A Uruguayan woman and her girlfriend were brutally attacked in a London collective | Chronic


Two women were injured after being the victim of a homophobic and misogynist badault perpetrated by a group of men who beat them in a collective in London.

Melania Geymonat, a 28-year-old Uruguayan who works as a flight attendant at Ryanair, posted on her Facebook account the physical and verbal aggression she suffered at the hands of four young people against her and her partner, the American Chris, occurred when they were in the upper part of the vehicle at dawn on May 30 last.

That's how the girls stayed after the attack. (Facebook)

The two women were badaulted when the men understood that they were a couple and began to reprimand them, asking them to kiss each other and, at the same time, to do badual acts against them.

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The young women, who covered the blood with blows, photographed themselves after the attack and transferred the images to social networks as a complaint.. "To try to calm things down, I started to joke, I thought it would make them leave (the attackers)." Chris even claimed to be sick, but they continued to harbad us and throw us more and more excited pieces, " counted Geymonat on Facebook.

Melania Geymonat, a 28-year-old Uruguayan living in London. (Facebook)

"The next thing I remember is that Chris is in the middle of the bus fighting." On a whim, I approach him to find that his face is covered with blood and that three of them hit him. she added and said that she was "hit", that she had her head spinning when she saw the blood and fell.

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"I do not remember if I lost consciousness or not … Suddenly, the bus stopped, the police were there and I was bleeding everywhere" Geymonat wrote that in addition to breaking his nose, the group of vandals stole a phone and a purse before fleeing.

The two women were taken to the hospital to receive treatment for several facial injuries. "This has been a disgusting and misogynistic attack, hate crimes against the LGBT + community will not be tolerated in London", London Mayor Sadiq Khan reacts in a message on his Twitter account.


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