The tranquility of the Australian district of Girrawheen, in the city of Perth, was undermined by the unusual war between two neighbors. Cilla Garden, a vegan woman, sued the family who lives next door for the "invasive" smell of roast. According to his presentation, he can not go to his yard because of the embarrbadment that he generates. However, justice rejected your request and recommended to resolve these differences through dialogue.
In an interview to the news channel 9Nouvelles, the applicant submits that for her the attitude of his neighbors is deliberatebecause they are aware of their ideology and want to annoy it on purpose. "They put the gate right next to my fence so that it smells like fishAll I can smell is fish, "he complained indignantly.

His dispute began in August 2017. In addition to highlighting his problem with the smells of cooking, he also reported that his neighbors had placed a reflective lamp that pointed to his house and complained about the annoying noises of your children
In her trial, the woman explained that during all this time quality of life lost: can not sleep well and It must be closed so as not to smell the grillwho is attached to your party in the garden.

However, Supreme Court President Peter Quinlan rejected his request last month. In the ruling, he ruled that the material presented by the woman was not enough. In this sense, the magistrate pointed out that Carden's complaints "They were not reasonable."
"You and your neighbor they must reach an agreement, face-to-face conflict resolution can be a simpler, faster, and cheaper way to solve problems, "they recommended to the complainant, who said she would take legal action.
The news channel 9Nouvelles Carden contacted the defendant and asked him for permission to search the controversy. The man, very upset by the situation, said that he changed the grid for the complaints of her neighbor and that her children no longer play in the garden.
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