A video highlights the terrible violence against animals in a German laboratory


Animal protection organizations Soko Tierschutz and Cruelty Free International have denounced the laboratory of pharmacology and toxicology (LPT) in Hamburg, Germany, after recording a video presenting situations of abuse, submission and violence against children. different animals, including monkeys, dogs and animals. cats, to make drugs.

To obtain the images, an activist had to infiltrate the laboratory and managed to show how a group of monkeys are locked in boxes and tied by chains to be able to undergo examinations. barefoot cats to clean the syringes and exhausted dogs locked in cages full of blood.

In a statement, Cruelty Free International said, "We believe that the scale of this abuse and the unimaginable suffering of cats, dogs and monkeys is illegal, but this is the reality of laboratory animal life. and can not continue for another minute. "On its website, the organization is collecting signatures against these practices.

Kate Wilett, a member of the association, said: "This can not be tolerated, we ask that this laboratory be closed and that the German authorities carry out a full investigation," Clarín published.

Requests and inquiries

The German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung reported that once the material was made public, it contacted the judicial authorities, who were already investigating the laboratory's activities.

At the same time, the German prosecutor opened an investigation after being prosecuted several times, El País reported. However, the NGOs warned them that the process could last several months and that all the images captured, despite the cruelty they could generate, did not necessarily constitute crimes or violations of the law.

Where to sign

On its website, the organization is collecting signatures against these practices of misuse and submission of animals. Enter here and place data such as last name, first name, country and an e-mail support the cause.


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