A video recorded the fall of the helicopter in which died the Argentine journalist | Chronic


Last Sunday, the Argentine journalist Ricardo Boechat, 66, died aboard a helicopter that rushed to the ground and exploded after hitting a truck that was traveling on the road to Anhanguera, in the Brazilian city of São Paulo.

Ricardo Boechat. Regrettable end of the renowned journalist. (Courtesy of Andre Lessa / Istoe)

According to the images, taken by one of the cameras from the highway, the aircraft performs an uncontrollable maneuver before disappearing between the viaducts constituting the rodoanel access handle, at km 27 of the road of Anhanguera. According to the police, the first impression is that the pilot Ronaldo Quattrucci, also killed in the accident, attempted an emergency landing.

According to witnesses, a man allegedly jumped from the plane before the explosion. According to the delegate Luis Roberto Hellmeister, of the 46th DP, responsible for investigating the case, the badumption that someone would have jumped from the plane is "very difficult", given the dynamics of the accident, as published by the site oglobo.globo.com.

However, the witness Leilane Rafael da Silva, who was at the back of a motorcycle at the time of the accident, said he saw a man jump from the aircraft. She and other people helped the driver pull the equipment out of the truck. Juan Adroaldo Tomackeves, 52, suffered only slight excoriations.

The material, recorded by the cameras of the dealer who manages the route, was already directed to the expertise.

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An Argentinian was killed, a figure of journalism in Brazil


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