A violent demonstration of "yellow vests" loot and burns the center of Paris – 16/03/2019


The Paris Avenue of the Champs Elysees looted and burned, the Arc de Triomphe surrounded by armored vehicles because protesters tried to enter, shops and cafes, "symbols of capitalism", captured by 1,500 yellow jackets and violent Black Blocks, which have clashed with the Paris police Saturday. the gendarmes, until they are forced to withdraw. The image of France destroyed, with a deep political and social crisis that does not find answers and a president who has not returned from his ski vacation to La Mongie in the Pyrenees, despite the violence and chaos, until Saturday evening.

In the demonstration of 18 yellow vests in France and when they began to lose strength, they launched on Saturday a brutal ultimatum to the president Emmanuel Macron. They moved about everywhere in France, just as the Paris Climat march was taking place, for an urgent and unscrupulous ecological transition.

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

Nothing more contrasting. The symbols of wealth were the purpose of vests and black blocks: The brewery and the hotel Le Fouquets were taken at noon and set on fire in the afternoon. Bank Tarneaud burned and Eric Bompard, the most famous kosher of France, evaporated under the looting of robbers who were flying sweaters with two hands, scarves and scarves. Gap and his jeans are not saved either, although he has protected his windows: everything has disappeared in the hands of looters, like Lévis.

Omega, jewelry, Weston loafers or Longchamps wallets have not been saved either. Bulgari, the jeweler, saw that what she had not saved, faded away. The windows of the Publicis pharmacy, broken and Nespresso, looted. Press kiosks were set on fire: Vests have journalists as enemies. The Deauville bar was destroyed and its blue and white chairs became projectiles against the police.

Firefighters are trying to put out a fire in a company in the center of Paris attacked by activists. AFP

Firefighters are trying to put out a fire in a company in the center of Paris attacked by activists. AFP

As if it were the manifestation of the last opportunity among the Campos, that they transformed into the nerve center of the rejection of the capitalist world, some 1,500 jackets and Black Blocks (bringing together the ultra-left, the anarchists, the anti -global urban guerrillas violent common), has transformed the most beautiful avenue in the world into a hell. For several hours, it seemed at night because of tear gas and smoke from fires. At least there is 200 inmatesIn 106, the judge declared them "in police custody" and at least 40 people were wounded. A gendarme was violently attacked by the demonstrators and lost consciousness.

They advanced kicking and with irons the stained glbad windows went into the shops, looted everything and burned everything they could on the road. When the Arc de Triomphe was surrounded by blue armored vehicles because the protesters were trying to penetrate and that a cloud of smoke was enveloping it, the world saw that the Champs-Elysees they burned in front of 5000 policemen afflicted and exhausted by 18 weeks of walking stress. For the police, it was a repetition of the violent attack of December 1st.

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French political parties demand "the end of chaos "And the application of a tough justice, with a" political resolution "to this endless crisis.

At the cry of "Emmanuel Macron, we are here to find you"The vests started arriving at the Champs-Élysées at 11am. Soon after, the avenue was underway looted and the police response with stun grenades at the protesters stones. The gendarmes asked for reinforcements on the Plaza de la Etoile to try to enter the Arc de Triomphe, and the moisturizing trucks began to act.

The Arc de Triomphe in the background, with the fire of the activists in the foreground. AP

The Arc de Triomphe in the background, with the fire of the activists in the foreground. AP

The protesters appropriated the stones of the pavement and public works instruments that transform Paris into ecological. The clashes were like guerrilla battles and the police had to withdraw.

It is the turn of the brbaderie Le Fouquets, symbol of the Champs-Élysées, transformed into a hotel where Nicolas Sarkozy celebrates his triumph in the presidential election. They entered and they broke everything: the stained glbad windows, the tables, the chairs and they tried to ignite it. The firefighters prevented him but in the afternoon, his red roof burned. Then they advanced on the bank of the Tarneaud and burned it. A thick black smoke covered the avenue and prevented the work of the firefighters, who ordered to evacuate the buildings located near the fire. The Disney shop was devastated.

Another group of yellow jackets was walking along Franklin Roosevelt Boulevard and was deliberately burning buildings. A mother and her baby were saved by firefighters in the middle of the fire. They have been blocked On the second floor. But the fires were repeated and the police had to protect the firefighters so that they could act.

President Macron returns to Paris to attend the emergency. The violent day was played by 1,500 Lumpini who participated in a wider march against the government. EFE

President Macron returns to Paris to attend the emergency. The violent day was played by 1,500 Lumpini who participated in a wider march against the government. EFE

"The firefighters of Paris and our forces of order came to proceed evacuation of all the inhabitants of the building, deliberately set on fire. The fire was controlled. The individuals who committed this act are neither protesters nor "thugs": they are murderers ", said Christophe Castaner, Minister of the Interior.The intervention of Castaner was the first, after his appearance in the magazine Here embracing a woman who was not his in a box, his wife asked for an immediate divorce.

The minister said that there was between 7,000 to 8,000 protesters in Paris but "1500 of them" were "Ultra violent"Protesters burned vehicles and motorcycles of major brands along the avenue or adjacent streets.

Prime Minister Edouard Philippe was on the Champs-Elysees to support the security forces and firefighters, "who avoided the worst, which is unacceptable," he said. But the rest of France is asking him to put an end to this chaos and disorder.

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President Emmanuel Macron finally decided interrupt your ski weekend in the Pyrenees to return to Paris on Saturday evening. He goes to the crisis room of the Minister of the Interior. It adopted this decision after the television had shown in parallel the incidents occurred in the avenue and the ski in Macron, all dressed in black, on the mountain. The Socialists demand that he ban the ever-authorized demonstrations of yellow vests, "impose the order" and, beyond his endless debates with the six-hour jersey, finds "a political solution to the Crisis "vests and applies" The full force of the law "on two violent. An order to which republicans join.

Macron must demonstrate that he can control the crisis, bring a political response and restore order in the country.


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