A vulture fund has sued Argentina for changing its statistics and the country should now pay more


The ACP Master Vulture Fund of the Cayman Islands is suing Argentina again. because he believes that the country has changed its GDP statistics and that for this reason it owes him nearly 160 million US dollars. For the moment, it will be the Minister of Finance, Hernán Lacunza, who will give the first answer.

The hold-up, which belongs to Aurelius Capital Management, claimed in New York court that it was paid "an amount of at least $ 159 million", a product of a debt that Argentina maintains for non-payment coupons.

The lawsuit had already been filed in January for $ 87 million. Now he has asked for this figure to be updated to an additional US $ 72 million for accrual of interest on this assumed commitment.

In April 2016, the former Minister of the Economy Alfonso Prat Gay He has paid $ 108.7 million to ACP Master as part of the deal with vulture funds. On this occasion, the claim aims not to pay the obligations related to the growth of the economy that the country gave to the creditors during the exchange of 2005 and the reopening of 2010.

The origin relates to questions about the statistics of the INDEC compared with the economic growth of the year 2013. For the moment, the Argentine justice has already ratified the data of the statistical agency.


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