A well-known Brazilian journalist is killed in a helicopter


Brazilian journalist Ricardo Boechat, born in Argentina and one of Brazil's best-known chroniclers, died yesterday day before yesterday at the age of 66 when the helicopter he was in charge of in the suburbs of the city of San Pablo fell, announced the chain Bandeirantes. which worked.

The pilot of the helicopter, who fell on Anhanguera Road, also died. The Brazilian Air Force said it was investigating the causes of this incident, recorded when the journalist returned from Campiñas to San Pablo after offering a lecture.

"It is with regret that I receive this sad news," wrote on Twitter President Jair Bolsonaro, stationed in San Pablo since January 28.

Boechat was born in 1952 in Buenos Aires and was the son of a Brazilian diplomat and Argentine Mercedes Carrascal, settled in 1956 in Niteroi, in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

The Buenos Aires journalist grew up in Brazil, where he gained citizenship and forged a brilliant career in the media world: he was the host of the Bandeirantes newscast and the radio program of the first morning of Band News FM.

Winner of three Esso awards for journalistic quality, Boechat worked for O Globo, Jornal do Brasil, O Dia and O Estado de Sao Paulo newspapers.

Over the past 20 years, he has devoted himself to building the audiovisual career within the Bandeirantes group.


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