A whale in the Amazon: the scientific explanation of its appearance


The main hypothesis is that the animal died in the sea and that the land arrived pulled by the high tides. Scientists who inspected his remains believe he's twelve months old.

L & # 39; NGOs Bicho D'Agua InstituteHe explained that the mammal got entangled in the Amazon mangroves after being thrown to the ground by the waves. As, The maritime herald suspects that could have died while swallowing marine plastics. The presence of a humpback whale on the north coast of Brazil in mid-February is also surprising. something very unusual.

During the Amazonian summer, when the freshwater rivers are flooded, the local humpback whales should have already traveled more than 6,000 kilometers to reach their feeding areas in the oceans of Africa. 39; been filled with krill from Antarctica. Biologists do not exclude that reproduction lost his mother during the migration.

Whale in the Amazon rainforest


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