A whale swallowed it and then spat it out: “I’m here to tell you about it.


The American diver Michel schimpf survived after being literally swallowed by a ballerina, in the waters of Cape Cod, at Massachsets, while fishing lobsters, 13 meters deep.

The man did not suffer unbelievably injury of consideration and reached the coast in excellent health. “I thought that was the end,” he told the CNN after his case was known.

Record-breaking 27,000-kilometer whale journey sparked climate change debate

“Suddenly everything darkened, I felt they were pressing me and I thought I had been bitten by shark“, He said later.

Finally, he realized that the situation was different. “I noticed that there were no teeth and that I really hadn’t suffered much. So I said, ‘My God, I’m in a mouth ballerina that’s trying to swallow me, ”he said. the Diver estimated to have been about 30 seconds inside the ballerina.

“I thought about my kids, about my wife, I said, I’m going to die,” Packard said later.

Michael Packard, diver who survived a whale

The key detail that saved him

The man was lucky that the huge animal did not destroy his oxygen equipment. This allowed him to survive the scene.

After reaching the coast in the fishing boat From one of his colleagues, he received a preliminary medical examination showing only minor injuries. He was in perfect health. “I couldn’t believe I was here to say it,” he said.


The background of a whale that “swallowed” a businessman in South Africa

In 2019, the diver Rainer Shimpf was swallowed and expelled by a whale in Port Elisabeth, South Africa, during an underwater activity organized by your company. In this case, Schimpf was trying to photograph a shark.

Mar del Plata: a dead whale has appeared and they seek to determine the causes

The goal was to capture and document marine species. At one point, the diver began to feel pressure and darkness. “I knew instantly that a whale had caught me,” he said on the occasion.

“I didn’t have time to be afraid, I had to use my instinct,” Schimpf later commented, who also clarified that the ballerina had made “a mistake” in swallowing it, as these types of animals usually do not eat Human being. “I held my breath thinking I was going to dive and free myself in the depths of the ocean,” he recalls.


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