A woman bought a jacket and found a scary note inside | the Chronicle


Woman bought a second-hand jacket from a store in Florida, USA and in one of her pockets found a note in which the former owner asked to be buried with her, as reported by the buyer’s husband, Scott murray.

“Bury me in this red suit”, it could be read in a handwritten note attached to a safety pin inside a garment pocket.

Many Facebook users, where the news was posted, were quick to comment on the find. “How sad… His family has probably never seen this. It’s a little hard to find.one commented. “I should have put it in a more obvious place”another pointed.

The shocking message the woman found on the jacket.

There were also those who suggested that maybe the previous owner of the jacket is not dead, arguing that maybe he just changed weight and decided to pick out a new outfit for his future funeral.

“This is very sad. Watch out. The deceased owner might hunt you for her jacket.”someone else joked. In the same ironic spirit, one netizen said that from now on he will put a similar mark on all the clothes he donates..

“It’s scary, I couldn’t use it”commented another user of the social network, while some expressed hope that JoAnn could locate the family of the previous owner to return the jacket.


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