A woman broke a record by giving birth to 6 babies in 9 minutes | Chronic


A woman in the United States gave birth to sextuplets and in less than 10 minutes. Thelma Chiaka he went to the Texas State Women's Hospital to give birth to his children; two couples of twins and a couple of girls.

If the probability of having multiple births at once of six children at once is already rare, if we calculate a probability of 1 in 4.7 billion births, it was even more during the period considered, between 4.50 and 4.59 on the morning.

The weight of the babies varies between half a kilo and a kilo for about 200 grams. Children are treated in the intensive care unit for newborns, the institution said.

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The mother thanked the good work of the doctors responsible for completing her birth. He added that the girls will have the names of Zina and Zuriel.

In 2008, the same country recorded another multiple birth by Nadya Suleiman. On this occasion, they were octillizos and that is why they were called "Octomom".


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