A woman gets dirty with an oven cleaner and her rotten skin


Becky Page, 25, cleaned the oven cleaner Oven Brite fell on the arm with the shirt she was always busy with her kitchen at his home in Minsterley, in the west of England. The same night he noticed that he had a pbad, but did not give importance.

"I was very unlucky. because it did not sting me and secondly because I burned my arm for five days", explained the young woman on the site Daily Mirror. Page never realized the danger he was running.

"I had burned my arm all week, that's why it became black. He had pierced all my skin and killed the nerve endings so that I feel nothing, "he agreed.

before and after.jpg

<img src = "https://media.minutouno.com/adjuntos/150/imagenes/036/338/0036338430.jpg?0000-00-00-00-00-00" alt = "Left: Becky's arm after the operation to the right: the oven cleaner burn
"id =" 7168114-Free-1047512768_embed "/>

Left: Becky's arm after the operation. Right: the oven burner cleaner

Page ensures that his arm "does not burn regularly during the week" but meanwhile, the chemist "broke down" the arm. "When I saw everything that was black, I thought, uh, I did something wrong," he said.

Finally, the hole was such that Page went to the guard at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital on March 7, where they discovered that the chemist was still active. it was what she should have done at the beginning.

Page was transferred to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, where he finally removed the dead tissue and had undergone a skin graft to repair the arm.

"I just want to make people aware of the dangers of not following the instructions to the letter," said the young woman after healing her injury.


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