A woman harbors 97 stray dogs at home to save them from Hurricane Dorian


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It is about Chella Phillips, the director of the shelter The voiceless dogs of Nasáu He recounted his experience on Facebook.

"97 dogs are inside my house and 79 of them are in my room. It's been crazy since last night: poop and pee everywhere, but at least they respect my bed and nobody dared to jump, "he commented humorously with pictures of the pack.

In addition, in an interview for ABC News stated that "It was to leave them in the street and do something about it."

"Every island has lots of homeless dogs. It breaks my heart to see that there are animals that they do not have a place to hide or hide from this Category 5 monster "he added.

Finally, the Dorian caused flooding in Nbadau. In another message, Phillips how they went through the storm and the destruction suffered by their shelter.

"The wind was like a train, it was so strong that water was coming in through the windows and through the doors, the dogs were scared, I was trying to play with them and sing to keep them from thinking about all the hurricane noise, "he said.

"I'm starting to see the damage, dog kennels, stores and boxes have been destroyed and will have to be rebuilt.I see many more homeless and stray dogs.I still can not let the dogs leave my house because the storms continue. "

Finally, it was not all bad news for the woman because her story had turned around and she had received more donations than expected. "I can see that you have already donated more than $ 90,000," she said, surprised.

"I have posted photos of the dogs in my room just to have fun doing what I am crazy about when it comes to guaranteeing what I love, but I do not get it. never waited for more than a few bursts of laughter. I never thought that it would become viral and that people would see that we exist and that we receive help from all over the world. So many people responded and came to help me! "


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