A woman has committed suicide because her colleagues have spread the video of a sexual party | Chronic


A 32-year-old woman committed suicide in Madrid after broadcasting a video of a badual nature recorded five years ago.

Veronica, a mother of two, has committed suicide after starting to share registration with her colleagues at CNH Industrial's Iveco Group truck plant.

The video was broadcast a few weeks ago in the company, which has more than 2,500 workers, and his partner was filmed while she was not yet married.

The woman recorded the video 5 years ago.

"She became very nervous and had to leave the factory because she could not stand the pressure", has explained Susana Martín, working companion of the deceased half Spanish. "When the husband learned that the video was circulating, the world collapsed"said another companion, Iván Cacho.

Shared responsibility

Cacho considers that "each of Veronica's clbadmates" have some responsibility in this tragedy, including "those who received the video, those who broadcast it and those who saw it". He also recounted that the young woman had come to talk to the company's human resources department.

Since then, the union has been very shocked by the news and asked for responsibilities. On the one hand, the factory has done nothing since the beginning and, on the other hand, the workers themselves having broadcast the images. "It's a matter of personal responsibility of each of Veronica's clbadmates", said one of the CGT spokesman.


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