A woman left her dog in a manger and was made dead in a bag – 24/04/2019


The situation is very sad but real. A woman who lives in Dublin, Ireland, a weekend of rest was taken. And since he had no one to leave his pet with, he decided to entrust him to a "specialized" daycare. But the story did not have a happy ending. And when he came back from his break, he found his beloved dog in a bag, dead, wrapped with tape.

Kirsten Kinch he published his story in Facebook and then it became viral. There, she said that in the previous one, she was worried about leaving her pet to care of other people (that was the first time she was going to do it), but she was not sure about it. 39, had no other choice.

The Siberian dog, Nova, weighed 25 kilos.

The Siberian dog, Nova, weighed 25 kilos.

So they sent back the animal: packed in a bag.

So they sent back the animal: packed in a bag.

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"We are completely shocked." At first I thought it was a horrible joke considering that we had left a healthy dog ​​to take care of it. only three days", the woman shared on social networks.

The institution argued that It's not okaythe dog had a haemorrhage and nothing could be done to save her. Of course, this explanation was not comforting for Kirsten. "My beautiful bitch has been made wrapped up like a ball. There are no words to describe the traumatic situation, take her to the car and then return home in a completely inhuman situation. "

Kirsten Kinch and her post on Instagram.

Kirsten Kinch and her post on Instagram.

Nova, the dead Siberian slut.

Nova, the dead Siberian slut.

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The sad story of the Siberian bitch came in December, but was now shared by Kirsten. The animal, weighing 25 kilos, died after a haemorrhage caused by a intense colitis it could not be controlled.


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