A woman lost her hands and legs after a lick of her dog


At first, doctors believed that the strange case of Marie Trainer It was due to a tropical disease or fever, but it was not. The American had gone on vacation to Punta Cana, but when she returned, she had to leave work for a while. back pain and severe nausea. The fever was added, so she had to be admitted to an Ohio hospital.

It took doctors a week to discover that the trainer was suffering from a serious infection licking of his own dog, a German Shepherd. When the woman woke up after nine days of sedation, her hands and legs were amputated.

Marie had a rare infection of the bacteria Capnocytophaga canimorsusprobably when your pet has licked a small wound without healing.

Gina Premier, daughter of Mary, took this picture of her dog (Photo: Facebook / Gina Premier).
Gina Premier, daughter of Mary, took this picture of her dog (Photo: Facebook / Gina Premier).

What happened during the nine days of hospitalization

Margaret Kobe, director of infectious diseases at Canton Aultman Hospital, said the patient's skin was starting to change color purplish redand then it became gangrene. He quickly developed a blood clot. "It was difficult to identify, we are a kind of detective. We did all of these diagnoses until we could reduce the options, "Kobe said.

The infection has spread to the nose, ears, legs and face. "He did not lose parts of his face but his limbs had to be operated on," Kobe said.

Gina Premier, Trainer's daughter, said: "It was a very hard reality to badimilate for all of us. It was good a few days ago on vacation, then the situation got worse in a few minutes. Now his hands and the feet are not"Gina's mother has already pbaded eight surgeries in total and works to adapt to prostheses. "It's one of the worst cases we've seen regarding how people get infections," the doctor said.

Trainer asked the hospital he could see his dogs again during his healing process. His pets went to visit him twice. "They brought them here so that I could see them and it only made me smile," he told the local press. Soon, he will move from the health center to a rehabilitation institute to learn how to use prostheses. "I am very ready to move on. I want to go home, I want to go back to work, "the woman finally said.

What is the bacterium Capnocytophaga canimorsus?

Most people in contact with dogs and cats do not get sick and it is rare that Capnocytophaga causes a disease in humans. The people most at risk are those who have weakened immune system, such as cancer patients and those whose spleen has been removed, said experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Those who become ill may have symptoms within three to five daysalthough some may have signs before or after. Some signs that may indicate an infection:

– Discomfort

– High fever

– Nausea

– Back pain

according to statistics available, 3 out of 10 people who develop a serious infection die.


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