A woman missed the age of a parent and won the lottery


Always play the same numbers, depending on the age of your children. But the day she became a millionaire did not notice that one of them had been 20 years old. For his luck, he left on the 19th.

United States. A woman was lucky twice: she guessed the lottery numbers that allowed her to win the jackpot, and also because of the way she chose these numbers, since one was not the one that went to Originally play, there had been no confusion: he had misjudged the years that one of his children had accomplished and thanks to this mistake, chance had rewarded him.

One is Antoinette Ousley of Inkster, who still does not leave his astonishment of having won the Fantasy 5, which he brought back nearly 800 thousand dollars. "I had dinner and I remembered that I had to check the winning numbers of the draw the night before.I opened the lottery application and when I downloaded the numbers on the card, I realized that I had won, "said the woman who, with such emotion, almost misses air:" I started to hyperventilate, "she says with a smile.

Ousley won by playing the usual numbers, products of a combination of birthdays and ages of their children. But on this occasion, the winner, an oversight played in his favor: "One of my sons had just celebrated his years and I forgot to change the number from 19 to 20 … And he came out on the 19th ! "Said Ousley, who has already gone through the Michigan lottery headquarters to claim his prize, which equals $ 780,045, with which he plans to buy a house. "It's amazing to win such a big price." I feel blessed, "said Ousley, who was not the only winner in this room, although she agreed to be anonymous while the other person chose to review the box and continue with the low profile.


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