A woman murdered her baby because she thought her husband loved her more than she did


The picture was heartbreaking. A 26-year-old man residing in Rivne, Ukraine, had left his apartment to leave his trash in the street. But when he came back, he found a pool of blood. His wife he had killed his baby for three weeks, in a supposed jealousy attack.

As explained by the British media Daily mail, the woman, 21 years old, He cut his throat to his daughter with a knife. Desperate, the girl's father called the emergency service, but nothing could be done: she was dead.

The police found the murder weapon in the kitchen. Credit: Daily Mail
The police found the murder weapon in the kitchen. Credit: Daily Mail

When the police arrived at the house, they found the murder weapon in the kitchen. The knife lay in the bacha and was still stained with blood.

"The mother could not explain why she had done it. She could not even remember what she had done that day, "said force spokesman Anton Kruk, who in turn announced that he would conduct a psychiatric badessment of the aggressor because they want to see if she is flawless.

The murderer's mother-in-law maintained that the crime was due to jealousy. Credit: Daily Mail
The murderer's mother-in-law maintained that the crime was due to jealousy. Credit: Daily Mail

The paternal grandmother of the victim, Maria Momot, claimed that her daughter-in-law was jealous of the baby. "I thought her husband loved her more than she", shot in an interview.

Although the identity of the murderer could not be disseminated, due to legal problems, the authorities explained his medical history. Last November, doctors diagnosed meningoencephalitis. At that time, she was already pregnant and had to be monitored because the inflammation in her brain was very dangerous. Now they suspect that the disease could have affected their mental health.


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