A woman separated from her partner and married her “stepfather”


A woman who had ended her relationship with her partner found love in her “stepfather”. The two have known each other since she was 16 and, despite the 29-year age difference, their bond “is perfect”. The event happened in Kentucky, United States, and had a big impact on social networks.

At 19 years old Erica Lane got married with Justin towell, who was her best friend’s brother, and they had a son. In 2011, the relationship broke down and Jeff Quiggle, 49 at the time and Justin’s stepfather, was a business for the young woman.

Erica and Jeff married in 2018 (Photo: PA Real Life)

Without wanting to hurt anyone and with an age difference of almost 30 years, Jeff tried to fight his feelings but in 2017, when their respective marriages were already over, they both confessed. feels the same and made their love public.

Erica and Jeff completed their family when Brexlee was born in 2018.

Love was so strong that in August of this year they got married. Erica, who had already known Jeff since she was 16 through her best friend, said: “It sounds outrageous, but we had this love that we couldn’t deny.”

“We’re really having fun as we are and we’re going to use the time we have. We never saw the age difference, we just fell in love with the way we are, ”says Erica.

“Nevertheless, our relationship is perfect. Jeff is the young soul and I am the old soul. He laughs when I say that, but everything went well, and Justin was the most understanding person, ”the woman added.

Erica, now 31, shares custody of her son with Justin, who has remarried and still lives in the same community, just like his mother. And while what happened may cause some confusion and even family issues, Justin assured that between him and Erica all more than good and that he wishes the new couple the best.


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