A woman was assaulted at a pizzeria in Palermo and she was stolen for six thousand dollars


The client had just withdrawn money from a foreign exchange house and was carrying it in a shoulder strap; would have been "marked" Credit: Courtesy

A woman was badaulted yesterday, in broad daylight, at a pizzeria in Palermo, located at the corner of Coronel Díaz and Santa Fe Avenues. Early versions indicate that the victim of The robbery was followed by the criminals after buying six thousand dollars in an exchange house near the place.

The video of the pizzeria's security cameras showed the meticulous action of the thief. The woman, who was sitting near the door, was surprised by the offender who, from behind, grabbed his shoulder bag and started pulling it to remove it. The fight lasted a few seconds, but as she resisted, the thief hit her and pointed a gun at the woman. Then, once he managed to get the wallet, he left the place running.

In front of the embarrbading look of customers, the victim and a waiter, who was trying to help her, leave behind her, but it was in vain. He escaped on a motorcycle with a companion.

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