A woman went to court because France imposed her marital duty on her


LWomen’s aid associations argued before the European Court that the French State had exercised “Invasion of privacy” and “violation of physical integrity”, as reported by the agency ANSA.

The Versailles court of appeal sanctioned the woman in 2019 because she refused to have sex with her husband.

The judges decreed the divorce for the sole fault of the woman, especially for this reason, given the facts “confirmed by the wife and constituting a serious and repeated violation of the duties and obligations of marriage, which make it intolerable to continue living together “.

The decision of the court of appeal was confirmed by the chamber of cassation.

The two associations which come to the aid of women, the Women’s Foundation and the Feminist Collective Against Rape, condemned the fact that French justice “continues to impose marital duty, thus denying the right of women to accept or not. a. Sexual relationship.

The two associations recall that “in 47% of the 94,000 rapes and attempted sexual violence recorded each year, the aggressor is the spouse or ex-spouse of the victim”.

“Marriage (conclude the two associations demanding the condemnation of France) must not be a sexual servitude”.

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