A worker from Chernobyl committed suicide after watching the series


The sad episode has generated suicide linked to the nuclear tragedy. Nagashibay Zhusupov has committed suicide last Sunday and, according to his daughter, I would have affected him after watching the series. He also suffered from chronic headaches.

Chernobyl worker

Zhusupov, was one of the men who took part in the tasks after the reactor explosion.

Zhusupov, was one of the men who took part in the tasks after the reactor explosion.

Zhusupov was one of the men who took part in the tasks after the explosion of the reactor in the USSR of then, the current Ukraine.

Zhusupov's daughter claimed that her father had committed suicide by recalling the abuse of which she had been a victim of the Russian government. When the Chernobyl tragedy occurred, Zhusupov was in emergency work.

Thanks to his work, Zhusupov got a decoration from the Russian government. However, unlike other workers, he would have been abandoned in a situation of abandonment that had led him to settle in a shelter with his family and his family. he lived on a pension of barely $ 180.

At 61, Zhusupov was shot from the roof of a building in Kazakhstan.


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