A worker jumped into a huge furnace with molten metal after losing a fortune | the Chronicle


A worker of Chinese steel giant Baogang Group committed suicide by throwing himself in a furnace to melt metals, because he had lost large sums of money on the stock market.

The images that were broadcast, that were recorded by security cameras of the plant located in the Chinese city of Baotou, Inner Mongolia region, shows the moment when the worker, identified as Wang Long |, 34 years old, he approached the edge of a huge furnace and later threw himself into the molten steel.

Long had disappeared on March 24, when it was at night. The Estatal Baogang Group organized a failure of the search, until they review the video from the surveillance cameras.

This is how the company issued a statement in which it stated that other workers were saying that for a long time Wang had bought futures and stocks through companies operating in the stock markets. The day he committed suicide had lost over 60,000 yuan (about $ 9,160), as reported by the Chinese newspaper Global Times.

For their part, the local police ruled out a possible murder and determined that the cause of death was suicide. Long is presumed to have committed suicide due to the large number of losses and his inability to pay the debts. For its part, Baogang Group added that it will provide support to the family of the deceased, as well as toí as psychological counseling for other employees.


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