A young man was about to be cremated and something unusual happened. Chronic


An 18 year old boy woke up while preparing his crematorium after being declared dead at the hospital in a hospital in India. The mother noticed that her son was still alive because he had seen tears in his eyes.

The fact had as protagonist Gandham Kiran, originally from the town of Pillalamarri, in the Indian state of Telangana. The boy was hospitalized June 26 for vomiting and fever, diagnosed as serious by hepatitis B.

Two days later, the young man was in worse condition and was transferred to a private clinic where he fell into a coma. On July 3, the doctors claimed that his brain was dead and that he would not survive.

The family members decided to bring him home with a vital support system so that Kiran spent his last moments in his hometown and started preparing the funeral: they placed a tribute sign and collected the wood for cremation.

Once friends and relatives were summoned, the mother, who was crying because of the difficult loss, noticed that there were tears in her son's eyes. Of inmendiato, called a doctor, who examined the "deceased", checked his pulse and pointed out that his relatives had not disconnected the vital support system.

The mother attends the young man at home (courtesy India Today).

Kiran was again admitted to the hospital and three days later he regained consciousness and was able to speak in a low voice. on July 7, he was sent home to continue treatment.

This is the second case of a "dead man" waking up under his wake. Earlier this month, another young Indian, who had also been declared dead, woke up just before being buried.


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