A young mother committed suicide after being gang raped | the Chronicle


Nicola McIntyre, a 32 year old British girl, she committed suicide after suffering trauma and mental health problems after being gang raped.

The woman, described as “kind, loving and very funny “ by her two sisters, she was found dead at her home on Anson Road in East Hull on August 29 of last year after take multiple prescription drugs.

His sister Sarah McIntyre related: “She lit up the room and she loved to laugh. At family gatherings, you would always know where she was because you could hear her laughing. “

“She loved children and animals; most of the time I would find her sitting on the floor playing with our family’s children and dogs,” he added and continued: “She loved writing stories and making crafts, often making thoughtful and personalized gifts for family members.”

The inquest into his death indicated that he suffered from mental health problems, which began at the age of four, when his parents separated.. The divorce “changed his world”according to his sister Sarah.

After dropping out of school at age 16 to become an apprentice hairdresser, Nicola had a series of difficult relationships starting at age 19.

The court heard that Nicola had a son, but the relationship with his father was unfortunately broken.

Then he moved and found a new job. There he struck up a friendship with a partner, with whom he also had a relationship

But almost at the same time began to experiment “vivid memories and flashbacks “ gang rape she suffered. Sister Hayley todd told the court: “I could see he was changing and getting deeply depressed.

He told me that he had gone to seek help from various mental health charities. She told me that she felt that no one was helping her and that she was failing “, highlighted.

During the last month of her life, Nicola was not feeling well and was afraid of “become crazy”, according to Hayley. He also argued that the restrictions for him coronavirus it also had a detrimental effect on the mental health of the young mother.

On August 27, Hayley said Nicola looked like “very happy“When the three sisters participated in a video call from WhatsApp three hours.

The call ended at 6 p.m. and after planning to meet Sister Sarah for dinner the following week. “I texted her ‘I love you’ and she replied and that’s the last I heard from her.Sarah said.

Sadly, the two sisters were informed of Nicola’s death in the early hours of the next morning after she She was found unconscious at her home before being transferred to the local hospital, where she was later pronounced dead.

The forensic team concluded that Nicola had died as a result of suicide.


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