A young woman ate 15 butterflies to find out what it's like to be in love


January 30, 2019
– 14:01

She wanted to make the literal metaphor: she was found lying on the floor crying with pain

A 19 year old girl he ate 15 butterflies after asking his grandmother what it was like to be in love. Faced with the response of women, decided to do the scientific test and ingest the insects.

A phrase well used to refer to the craze is "feel the butterflies in the belly ". This metaphor seeks to describe a certain nervousness mingled with emotion and enthusiasm, feelings that are manifested in the near when he is close to his lover.


Butterflies in the belly: the chemistry of love

A young woman who wanted to know what the lovers felt, literally filled the metaphor. "I asked my grandmother what it was like to be in love, she said it was like having butterflies in the stomach," she said. she said.

"If it's to love, it's a m ****," shouted the young woman when she was found lying on the floor crying in pain, after eating 15 butterflies.

The event took place in Baracaldo, Spain. The 19-year-old girl was admitted to a medical center and had to be promptly submitted for surgery.


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