A young woman has created a neutral deck in which she …


Indy Mellink, 23 years old, graduated in psychology, gets tired of the inequalities between the sexes present in French card games and decides to launch her own project, in which the figures of the king, the queen and the servants disappear.

Originally from the Netherlands, the young card fanatic came up with the idea when explaining the rules of a game to her own cousins, how she realized the inequality of having a king more valuable than a queen.

After being encouraged by her father, Indy decided to design her own deck using gold, silver, and bronze instead of the king, queen, and jack cards, as she felt that “even subtle inequalities like they play a role ”.

“If we have this hierarchy that the king is worth more than the queen, then this subtle inequality influences people in their daily lives because it’s just another way of saying ‘hey, you’re less important.'” he added in a dialogue with the press.

The first 50 of their new decks were quickly acquired by friends and family, while after the success of their initial card packs, Indy created more of their GSB (Gold, Silver, Bronze) decks and sold them under. online form.

Since seeing his decks take off in popularity, Indy has tested them on card players who had never been aware of the gender inequality of cards before.

In a month, he shipped around 1,500 gender-neutral decks to Belgium, Germany, France, and the United States. Game stores are now looking to sell gender-neutral cards as well.


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