A young woman shot her best friend in the face while trying to take a selfie


Polina Gordik's life did not differ much from that of any 17-year-old. His time was shared between the studios, his friends and the interaction with electronic devices. Everything went in the normal settings. Until his best friend, on the occasion of his birthday, offers to pose for a selfie with a rifle from his father's house pointing to them.

It was there when the unexpected occurred. It is that the shot was fired accidentally and that the young woman was hit in the face, which not only disfigured half of his face, but also threatened him with death.

According to the details of the Ukrainian media, where does the young woman come from, the victim had to be hospitalized urgently. And while the last medical party noted that the girl was out of danger, she still had to undergo new reconstructive surgeries and long rehabilitation.

The terrible accident occurred on August 21 in the village of Komyshuvakha in southern Ukraine. That day, like so many others, Polina had gone to see her friend Veronika for her birthday. At one point of the party, the hostess grabbed her father's rifle and suggested taking a selfie.

They posed happily, relaxed and with a broad smile, not knowing that what would happen a few seconds later would change their lives, but especially Polina, who took the worst when the weapon was used and that the bullet gave him almost completely. The face. The shot damaged his entire nose and crushed most of the bones in his face.

Polina was transported to the hospital, where she underwent a complex operation that lasted seven hours. "The victim has entered the health center in a serious condition," confirmed Valery Tsaryov, head of the intensive care department of the Zaporizhia Children's Hospital. And even if they managed to stabilize him and he is out of danger, his picture is still serious.

The mother of the young woman explained that her daughter had almost no nose, because the bullet had completely crushed her. "The surgeons had to remove his left eye, badly damaged to save it," she added. "I was terrified when I saw her, half of her face was gone," she said.

Although Polina is conscious, she can not speak. Until now, he can communicate with his relatives only by nodding or shaking his head. In a brief dialogue with the police, the girl confirmed that it was an accident.

Meanwhile, the police initiated criminal proceedings to investigate the reasons for the incident. Investigators want to check if the shotgun has been registered. If they are not, Veronika's parents could be sentenced to five years in prison.


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