A Zionist organization questioned Cristina Kirchner for referring to the consumption of "oranges from Israel"


Cristina Kirchner presented her book "Sincerely" in La Plata Credit: Front of Everyone Press

Argentine Zionist Organization (OSA) today issued a statement in which it questions the remarks of the candidate for the vice presidency of the Front of all, the senator
Cristina Kirchner, for example the consumption of Israeli oranges,
in an act that he developed in La Plata, referring to the process of "the blind opening of imports during the management of
Mauricio Macri".

"The former President of the Argentine Republic, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, said that with President Mauricio Macri, we ended up consuming oranges from Israel." In a paradox of fate, Ms. Fernández, promoter of the concealment memo with Iran, used the example of Israeli oranges, "begins the text published by OSA to the press.

Last Saturday, during the presentation of
In her book "Sincerely," Cristina Kirchner said that the president "accepted all the requirements of the economic sectors".

In a paradox of fate, Ms. Fernandez, promoter of the concealment memorandum with Iran, used the example of Israeli oranges

OSA statement

"Macri allowed the free importation of what you can think: with Macri, we ended up consuming oranges from Israel, apples from Chile, wines from I do not know where, and so I could go on listing the demands of all economic sectors, which we did not have access to because we already knew how the story ended "said the senator.

The former President of the Argentine Republic
@ FCKArgentina He said that "with Macri, we end up consuming oranges from Israel". It is a paradox of fate that Ms. Fernandez, promoter of the memorandum of concealment with Iran, uses the example of Israeli oranges.
pic.twitter.com/7w8bL14sTt& – Argentine Zionist Organization (@OSArgentina)
September 1, 2019

Meanwhile, the OSA statement adds:
"From its creation until the 1970s, Israel lived mainly from the production of oranges. The country has sunk into public debt and hyperinflation with few recovery options. However, in the 1980s, thanks to an agreement between the government, unions and companies, Israel technically structured its agricultural sector and transferred this technology to all areas. "

"In this way, they have resulted in hyperinflation and stagnation, starting a recovery that continues until today and bringing the country's GDP to $ 40,000 per capita in 2018," says the press release.

And it ends:
"It would be good for our country that the former president speaks of all the good lived in Israel to apply in Argentina. highlighting its resurgence and not using politically minimal data as if the purchase of Israeli oranges was at the root of all the ills of our country. "

Telam Agency



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