Abel Albino said that "condoms do not protect against AIDS" and opened a controversy | Cuyo Newspaper


Before senators. Abel Albino, the 71-year-old pediatrician born in Buenos Aires, raised yesterday before the senators that the condom "does not work".

Pediatrician Abel Albino, 71, aroused controversy yesterday in a Senate committee where the abortion law is debated, to ensure that "prophylaxis does not work" because the virus abortion AIDS "pbades through china" and also fails "30% of the time" in the prevention of pregnancy.

"It would be irresponsible if I did not say it because it is not said that it can fail. Absolute and never will be, because the AIDS virus pbades through the porcelain and the possibility of contagion is very great, because we do not always use the prophylactic when it leaves the house, "said Dr. Abel Albino, opposite to abortion, before rest.

He said that 41% of women who abort have "psychological problems."

He said that 41% of women who abort have "psychological problems" When legislators asked her how to prevent pregnancy, she suggested, for example, that "to cut the television." He was there when he began to explain that "contraceptives do not work."

"They must understand that prophylaxis does not protect it at all … because the AIDS virus pbades through porcelain, "said the doctor, the reaction of the president of the Foundation for the study and investigation of women Dr. Mabel Bianco, who shouted and left the room.

For Albino, the AIDS virus is "500 times smaller than sperm. "Prophylaxis does not work because it fails 30 percent of the time during pregnancy … imagine what can happen in AIDS!" He added, convinced that "one," when he is exposed to badual relations, ""

According to Albino, "we put it on", referring to the condom, when he is in "the situation", and "in the situation where he may have already been infected. "The prophylaxis is broken, it is perforated and this guy is wound up," he added, convinced that "it's contagious and infected by more and more people."

"How do you stop this?" Clear and obvious messages: Children must build their lives, not to destroy them in the first place, not to be infected, not to get complicated in situations that do not lead them to good port. "

Albino, founder of the Cooperator for Child Nutrition (Conin), baderted that" we must educate for love and not for the bad of the animals. "

After last June, the House Deputies approve the plan to decriminalize the termination of pregnancy, the debate of the Senate committee in the initiative -with the presentations of various experts for and against, as already happened in the Chamber of Deputies- and the August 8 will reach the plenary of the Cáma Alta, which will approve the text will be definitively sanctioned.

Albino, born in the province of Morón in Buenos Aires in 1946, insisted that "the AIDS virus (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) pbades through the china, these are filterable viruses, so the possibility of contagion is very great. "

To conclude, he gave an example to Uganda, a country in which, he says," we began to say that it was a risky behavior " . that children should be protected "intellectually" and learn to "get married early, organize their lives, be responsible for their actions" and conclude: "It stops with moral behavior."

* It collaborates with boys from several provinces

Oriundo de Morón, Albino studied medicine at the University of Tucumán, and in 1972 he went to Chile to do a specialization in pediatrics.

Catholic Practitioner and Curator, in 1993, created the Cooperator for Child Nutrition (Conin), which is dedicated to the treatment of children suffering from malnutrition in different provinces.It started in Mendoza imitating the model created in Chile by the doctor Fernando Mönckeberg, but throughout the year His foundation has been extended to more than 15 provinces across the country. His work has received several local and international recognitions, such as the Ashoka Fellow (1994), the Konex (2008) and the Ivy Foundation Humanitarian Award the same year. In 2014, he was declared a leading figure by the city legislature.

> The Church calls to protest

The Argentine Episcopal Conference has called on the population to protest against the law to decriminalize abortion, which will be voted in the Senate on August 8th. The conference announced that religious organizations will call for gatherings in the days leading up to the session "belief and petition for the defense of life." In a statement, they proposed to fast, pray, open chapels, accompany pregnant women, shake nets and go down the street. "We encourage those who wish to come forward publicly as responsible citizens," he said.

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