Aberrant Details of Videos Produced by the Pediatrician | Chronic


Marcelo D'Alessandro He referred to the arrest of the 55-year-old Garrahan Hospital pediatrician, who had been found with videos and photographs directly related to him with an international network for the production and distribution of child badgraphy. He also gave details of the evidence found.

"The tests found involve videos and photographs of children aged 6 months to 14. Many images were seen on stretchers and badume that the recording took place at the hospital. " According to the material, the same doctor held by the production participated. " explained the secretary of security of Buenos Aires.

"It was possible to connect the person and it was kidnapped material.In this type of group, we are talking about a network in which badgraphic content is distributed between them" He explained and added "There is no doubt about his participation in the case." The defendant was transferred to the police headquarters and will be prosecuted tomorrow, said the Buenos Aires Ministry of Security.

The detention of the doctor, identified by the intervening authorities as being Ricardo Russo, occurred Tuesday in the hospital parking lot and at the request of the office of the special prosecutor in charge of computer crimes of the city, in charge of the prosecutor Daniela Dupuy and by the criminal judge, contraventions and offenses María Alejandra Doti.

At the time of arrest "they hijacked a cell phone, which was for their personal use, and a USB stick for them to be trained ", detailed police. A total of 40 homes were searched in Argentina, the United States and Brazil.

The case originated in an international operation called "Luz de Infancia III" conducted by the United States Internal Security Authorities (FBI) and the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Brazilian Indictment.

This investigation had consequences for the fact that there was in Argentina a reason why the specialized prosecutor's office started to act "who have led raids all over the country, including seven in the city of Buenos Aires"said Alessandro.

The raids showed the existence of "several facts about the distribution of child badgraphy content by users based in this country, via the P2P platform "E-mule".

"Through a whistleblower channel that the city attorney general has received, a key complaint is being received, there are raids where computers and USB drives are seized when there are evidence, abused children "said Alessandro. In addition, searches were conducted in the United States and Brazil, one of which was at the accused's home.

D & # 39; Alessandro said on his Twitter account: "Thanks to the police investigation, we arrested a pediatrician accused of producing, distributing and distributing child badgraphy recorded in a famous hospital in the city." Cell phones and computers used for this crime were hijacked. "

Through the investigation of the @Policia_city We arrested a pediatrician accused of producing, distributing and distributing child badgraphy registered at a reputable hospital in the city. Mobile phones and computers used for this crime have been hijacked. pic.twitter.com/5FMjpBodRj

– Marcelo D & # 39; Alessandro (@MarceDaless)
May 29, 2019


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