Abimael Guzmán: the crematorium refuses to cremate the remains of the Shining Path leader


Archive photograph in which the leader and founder of the terrorist group Sendero Luminoso, Abimael Guzmán (i), was recorded during a hearing in Lima (Peru).  EFE / Ernesto Arias
Archive photograph in which the leader and founder of the terrorist group Sendero Luminoso, Abimael Guzmán (i), was recorded during a hearing in Lima (Peru). EFE / Ernesto Arias

After the approval and promulgation of the law authorizing the cremation of Abimael Guzmán’s remains, the question arises as to which crematorium would be the one to carry out the cremation. Today, the Piedrangel private center announced that the event will not take place at its facilities.

In a public statement, he said he would provide his facilities to cremate the deceased terrorist leader, should government authorities demand it. The decision was reportedly made, as noted, by a “A question of conviction and solidarity with the thousands of innocent victims of terrorism”, but not for political reasons. Therefore, they make sure that “Faithful to our principles, we have taken the unanimous decision to give up performing this funeral service”.

In this document, the company also expresses its refusal “To terrorism and, in particular, to those who have spread blood and death in the country as part of the Shining Path genocidal groups and the Revolutionary Movement Tupac Amaru – MRTA”.

The pandemic has shown that there are few crematoria in Lima, so one of them will have to take on the task.

The Piedrangel crematorium is the one that has done the most cremations on people who have died of COVID-19. Another belongs to the cemetery of El Ángel, managed by the army, and those of Mapfre and Campo Fe, both private.

Declaration of the crematorium of Piedrangel.
Declaration of the crematorium of Piedrangel.


Last Friday, September 17, in the extraordinary edition of Bulletin of Legal Norms of the Official Gazette of El Peruano, the law was enacted which establishes the fate of the corpses of detainees who had served sentences for crimes of treason or terrorism in their capacity as leader, leader or member of the management of terrorist organizations, including those of the head of Sendero Bright, Abimael Guzman, this Saturday, September 11, died at the naval base of Callao.

The standard, which was approved at the Congress of the Republic, received, in the first vote, the support of 70 parliamentarians, while 32 others voted against and 14 abstained.

Then it was voted to exonerate the notice of a second regulatory vote, approving said request with 81 votes in favor, 37 against and one abstention.


After long hours of debate, the plenary session of Congress decided, on the night of Thursday, September 16, that the remains of Abimael Guzmán be cremated.

The plenary session of Congress of the Republic debated from 3.30 p.m. on the bills presented by the attorney general’s office and congressman Galdys Echaíz of the bench of action for Peru, in order to reach a unanimous agreement on the fate of the genocidal remains, who died last Saturday.

For her part, Congresswoman Gladys Echaíz (APP) said that the purpose of the bill on the remains of those convicted of terrorism is to prevent the commission of the crime of apologizing for terrorism. “It is the responsibility of the State to adopt the necessary preventive policies”, he argued during the plenary session.

In the same vein, Member of Parliament Janet Rivas, Peru Libre, announced that she would vote against initiatives on the disposal of the remains of those convicted of terrorism. His bench colleague, Edgar Tello, also uses the argument of the retroactivity of the law in reference to the remains of Guzmán.


In conclusion, this new opinion introduces article 112-A to the General health law in order to clarify that “If it is a corpse of a detainee who was serving a custodial sentence for the offense of treason or terrorism, in his capacity as leader, leader or member of the management (…), the delivery, transfer, burial or burial of which endangers national security or internal order, the competent prosecutor in a reasoned and uncontested decision (…) orders its cremation, after a necropsy ”.


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