Abimael Guzmán, the founder of Shining Path, has passed away | The Peruvian guerrilla leader had been detained since 1992


The founder of the Shining Path, Abimael Guzman, died this Saturday at the age of 86 in the high security prison of the Callao naval base due to complications related to his state of health. This was reported by this detention center, where he was serving his life sentence.

In a statement, the technical committee of the maximum security detention center (Cerec) at the Callao naval base reported that Guzmán has died. “complications of your state of health” at 6:40 a.m.

“The person in charge of this detention center informed the Cerec technical committee of this fact and, if necessary, it was communicated to the public prosecutor for legal proceedings”, indicates the information shared by the National Penitentiary Institute (INPE ).

News of Guzmán’s death is known one day before the 29th anniversary of his detention in Lima next to the Sendero dome. It was news that traveled the world and signified the beheading of the Maoist-oriented group responsible for most of the 69,000 deaths in Peru between 1980 and 2000 as a result of terrorist attacks and the crackdown on State.

The September 1992 image of Guzmán, displayed in a striped suit in a cage, made headlines around the world. It was a way of legitimizing himself on the part of Alberto Fujimori, the president who, on April 5 of that year, had given a coup. The leader Senderista was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Guzmán was born in 1934. He was a professor of philosophy and when he acted he was known as Comrade Gonzalo. Guerrillas from a faction of the Peruvian Communist Party began their activity in the jungle in the late 1970s, in the last months of the military dictatorship. The ramblings intensified under the presidencies of Fernando Belaúnde Terry and Alan García, who responded with violence by the armed forces, amid growing poverty in the country.

The former guerrilla leader has had a deterioration in his health since July 13 and received geriatric care on the 20th of this month in a health center, according to INPE official Susana Silva. “These are sensitive data. We can report that he had a deterioration, it was not something serious, but due to his age, he had presented problems with hypertension and had generated everything so that the patient is transferred to the naval hospital base, ”explained Silva.

The official said Guzmán received the medical discharge on August 5 and was monitored under the subject of the penitentiary center, but that on Thursday he was again reported to be weak and was treated by another doctor. In addition, he confirmed that the protocol has been activated to corroborate the death with the prosecution and proceed to his transfer to the morgue where the causes of death will be determined.


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