Abimael Guzmán: This is how the last days of the terrorist unfolded in the prison of the naval base of Callao


Abimael Guzmán died in the prison of the naval base of Callao.  |  Reuters
Abimael Guzmán died in the prison of the naval base of Callao. | Reuters

On Saturday September 11 at 6:40 a.m., at the Maximum Security Detention Center at Callao Naval Base, due to complications related to your health, Abimael Guzmán, leader of the Shining Path terrorist group, has died aged 86, which was responsible for at least 54% of deaths and disappearances (out of a total of 69,000 human lives between 1980 and 2000), according to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

However, the latest news on the terrorist leader’s health is from July of this year. According to the weekly Hildebrandt and his thirteen, Guzmán started to feel more since Saturday July 17th. They indicate that until then he ate little and had lost weight.

The On Monday July 19, he was examined by a doctor at the naval base hospital who ordered his hospitalization, corn Guzmán has repeatedly refused to leave his cell.

He is depressed, very thin and old, but totally clear-headed“Said one of the nurses who was close to Abimael Guzman, as quoted by the aforementioned weekly. Another witness assured that Guzmán had said that “I had already lived it all and whatever happens”.

“We have never seen him like this,” said another of the sources summoned to the detention center at the Callao naval base to see the state of health of the leader senderista.

The weekly noted that the weather his lawyer, Sebastián Chávez, wanted to convince him to take him to the hospital and have him treated there, but that Guzmán told them: “Here I am well looked after, it is not necessary, I already feel better

Guzmán allowed himself to be examined in his cell and an intravenous drip was put in place. The weekly adds that the medical report indicated that he suffered from anemia and septic shock from a urinary tract infection and immediate hospitalization was recommended.

They even point out that the authorities put Guzmán in telephone contact with his wife, Elena Iparraguirre, to convince him to be taken to the hospital. The one also known under the name of “Comrade Miriam”, and who is in prison for terrorism, begged him to let himself be taken to a health center and he told her that he had bought her books and that he had to be in good health to be able to read them. “He also told him that he had already written to the president (then) Sagasti to allow him to go see him and get back together,” said the weekly.

“I feel better, they are evaluating me here. I am receiving medication, in two days everything will be fine, ”said the Shining Path leader.

Wednesday July 21, the technical committee of the maximum security detention center of the Callao naval base (Cerec) confirmed the medical treatment Guzmán received on July 19 in charge of the Ministry of Health.

“Guzmán Reinoso received new medical care specializing in geriatrics by the staff of the Ministry of Health, (…) and concluded that it was necessary to transfer the detainee to a hospital (…). Despite this, and the visit of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the exhortation of the Office of the Ombudsman, the inmate again refused to be transferredThey said in a statement.

They added that just July 20, after receiving a visit from your lawyer, the detainee was transferred voluntarily and in a SAMU ambulance to a nearby hospital.

Abimael Guzmán returned to the naval base and no further news of his health was made public until authorities reported his death on Saturday, September 11.


Pedro Castillo on the death of Abimael Guzmán: “Our position of condemnation of terrorism is firm and unshakable”
Guido Bellido after the death of Abimael Guzmán: “the position of the Executive is the fight against terrorism”
Shining Path leader Abimael Guzmán has died aged 86

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