Abortion: after the warning of the CGT by the cost of practices, women will do "pañuelazo" in Azopardo


  The protest, which will take place from 12, meets the

The protest, which will take place from 12, responds to the "concern" expressed by the central work in front of the impossibility that the the social works of the unions can meet the costs of these practices.

Activists in favor of the legalization of abortion will perform a "pañuelazo" next Tuesday before the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) to reject the position that is attributed to the central on "social works can not afford abortions. "

The demonstration, called by the National Campaign for the right to legal abortion, safe and free, will take place Tuesday 10 at 12 o'clock in front of the headquarters of the CGT located in Azopardo 802.

In this context, will be presented to the central authorities a "request for meeting" to explain his position on the subject, after this trasc I believe that the social work unions can not take care of the # 39; abortion.

It should be recalled that the Ministry of Health denied that the portfolio holder, Adolfo Rubinstein, had a meeting with representatives of the CGT to badyze how would be financed the practice of abortions that fall under of union social work, if the law on voluntary termination of pregnancy is sanctioned in Congress

Minister of the CGT for next week, "sources in the health portfolio entrusted to the NA agency

The CGT issued a statement on Thursday in which it states that "will not manifest an institutional position" on abortion. "For respect due that personal beliefs deserve", but yes recalled that The center "has managed and alerted the executive branch and the Ministries of Labor and Health on the impact of uncontrolled inflation on the economies of social works.

And warns against "the very high costs involved in some court decisions that require institutions to comply with experimental procedures, which motivated the need to create the AGNET (Health Technology Assessment Agency). "

If the project is approved, abortion will be part of the Compulsory Medical Program (PMO) and social works can not deny its practice.

However, the initiative that decriminalizes the practice of abortion. Abortion must still go through the Senate committees and be treated on the spot, which is scheduled for the month of August, and it is not excluded that she is stretching her approval a little bit more if the upper house introduces change and returns the project to the deputies.

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