Abortion: Negotiating changes in the project to approve it


A group of Senators and Senators badyzes to negotiate amendments to the abortion legalization project, to be voted on August 8 in the Upper House. These changes would be along the same lines as those proposed by the three lawmakers of Cordoba concerning the number of weeks (12 instead of 14) to allow legal abortion and the institutional conscientious objection among other things.

According to parliamentary sources consulted by El Destape the changes to be negotiated would not alter "substantially" the original bill, which obtained half of the sanction by majority simple in the Chamber of Deputies. In any case, they aim to try to generate a "consensus" and to convince the legislators who do not have their final vote, or who have doubts.

The source stated that the scenario in the Senate is "complex" because many of its members are "very far from what is happening in the real world". Even so, he considered that "the worst case scenario is that there is no law " and that there are "changes that can be good milk and from there." others that are not, "that's why it's important to hear what changes they're proposing.

On the other hand, he believes that if the bill is approved with changes, the law has "great possibilities" to go out with the original text by returning to the deputies, and even does not rule out that the Senate will be approved without modifications. "This is not a lost scenario," he said.

Regarding the taking of votes, he stated that "it is very difficult to have an overview" of the results. "With so much indecision, we do not know what will happen in public, they say one thing and in private they say another, among them, listening to the positions of those who are against frightened, as with the speech of Abel Albino " he maintained.

Another parliamentary source who works to obtain the votes recognized a scenario of strong parity, with the undecided who will end up tipping the scales. Changes may be the key, in addition to certain absences that would only be known on the same day of the session.

If approved with modifications, the project would be up to the deputies, who should ask if he insists on the original wording or, conversely, ratifies the changes. For the first case, it is enough to keep a simple majority because it is very unlikely that the changes get two-thirds of the votes

In deputies, the bill was approved with 129 votes for and 125 against but one of the deputies who leaned for the affirmative, the radical Aída Ayala, has already warned that he would vote against if the bill returns to the lower house .


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