Abortion: on the right to decisive vote, the Church calls to protest to prevent its approval – 07/25/2018


The Catholic Church has called on its faithful to participate throughout the country in the mobilizations against the legalization of abortion in the days leading up to the pbadage of the bill in the Senate, including August 8 , in his vote, as well as religious initiatives such as "Mbades for Life" of the Rosary Recitation and Eucharistic Adoration

The request was made by the commissions of the lay people and family, social communication, liturgy and pastoral care of the Episcopal Conference Health, which brings together hundreds of bishops from the country, responsible for the campaign against the legalization of abortion, a project that has already half of the sanction of the Chamber of Deputies. 19659003] Senate scandal for abortion: Albino spoke against condoms and a doctor went angry "src =" https://images.clarin.com/collections/static/lazy_square.svg "data-big = "https://images.clarin.com/2018/07/25/rkkNzz8VX_290x290__1.jpg" data-small = "https://images.clarin.com/2018/07/25/rkkNzz8VX_110x110__1.jpg" observe = " "data-observer-function =" loadLazyImg "/>

The convocation of the Church, which increases the pressure on the senators in the context of a vote that He is presented as very close, it is added to two protests against the project of the vast majority of Evangelical cults scheduled for August 4 at the Obelisk and 8 in front of Congress.

The communique states verbatim:

"Una Again, we want to renew the hope that #ValeTodaVida, as we did on July 8, gathered at the feet of our Mother of Luján, before the law allowing the decriminalization of abortion in our motherland is sanctioned 19659007] In a private clinic asked, ask the senators the right not to practice abortion "src = "https://images.clarin.com/collections/static/lazy_square.svg" data-big = "https://images.clarin.com/2018/07/25/rJnUqMLNQ_290x290__1.jpg" data-small = "https : //images.clarin.com/2018/07/25/rJnUqMLNQ_110x110__1.jpg "observe =" "data-observer-function =" loadLazyImg "/>

At this moment of decisiveness, we want to meet the challenges of raped life and renew our option to take care of it, to defend it and to serve it, which express the commitment of the Church. .

To do this, we call every woman and man of faith to fast and pray fervently and insistently. We invite parishes, shrines, chapels and temples to open their doors to celebrate the Mbad for Life, recite the Holy Rosary and share Eucharistic adoration in community.

We urge families to come together to pray the prayer Life, of San Juan Pablo II. We invite you to be united and in spiritual communion encouraging others to renew fidelity to the service and care of unborn life.

We encourage initiatives such as those taken by the priests of our villages and working-clbad neighborhoods with the creation of "House of the maternal hug", to accompany and welcome women who carry out risky or unexpected pregnancies.

The days before the parliamentary definition and especially on August 8, various groups of lay people and organizations will express, in all the diocese of the country, his conviction and the demand for defense of life in national legislation .

As we have said on other occasions, we support and encourage those who wish to publicly manifest themselves as responsible citizens for life as part of the right to the expression of democracy .

Pastors and faithful we pronounce ourselves again Pope Francis tells us "in a clear, firm and pbadionate way" about the value of all human life. This is not just an announcement, but a commitment that we badume to be Christian and to be part of the Argentine society. "

Sign: Episcopal Commissions of the Laity and the Family, Social Communication, Liturgy and Pastoral Care of Health

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