Abortion: savings of $ 1.5 billion are expected


Health Minister Adolfo Rubinstein yesterday disclosed the costs to the health system of dealing with the consequences of illegal abortions and badured a plenary of the Senate committee that legalizing the practice would allow save about $ 1500 million a year. "This has to do with reducing hospitalizations, it's the highest cost, and it's the cost at which the health system is facing today, it just does not know it." ..

His exhibition was one of the most awaited. The minister has focused on the official statistics of his portfolio. "I did not come to express my personal opinion, I came to bring the data, we can feel more or less comfortable with them, but they are them", he stopped before begin, after the prelude to its presentation Senators Cristina Fiore (Salta) and Guillermo Snopek (Jujuy) not to expose it as an "interference of the executive power".

Rubinstein explained that the costs of the complications of illegal abortions now rise to $ 11,500 and that, if the practice was legalized, it would cost the system $ 1914 at a time. On these figures, and estimating about 354,000 abortions a year, the minister explained that the current cost amounts to $ 2057 million in private spending, $ 968 for the public sector and $ 1054 for social security and prepaid .

change, he explained, if legalization was approved, private costs would disappear and those in the public sector would fall to $ 240 million a year and social security and advance payments to $ 439 million, since the system would provide safe practice and many ambulatory times.

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