Abortion: The new Archbishop of La Plata asked Macri to veto the law if it was approved


Governor Maria Eugenia Vidal participated in the ceremony Source: Twitter

LA PLATA.- In his first tedeum the new archbishop of this city,
Víctor "Tucho" Fernández, once again rejected the project of legalizing the

and also questioned some official economic policy guidelines by saying that the devaluation is in the process of "liquidating the wages and savings" of all Argentines.

After the ceremony, Fernandez asked the president

Mauricio Macri
that you veto the project when it finally becomes law.

The religious ceremony, attended by the governor

Maria Eugenia Vidal
and Mayor of La Plata Julio Garro, had an unusual closure with protests and songs against the decriminalization of abortion. "Yes to life, not to abortion," began to yell young and militant who entered the cathedral with handkerchiefs and celestial balloons, when the Tedeum finished.

The expression against abortion is consistent with a more active attitude of the Catholic Church regarding the debate taking place in Congress, which has already been approved by the Chamber of Deputies and the 8th August will reach the senators.

"The idea [del sermón] was the defense of the weakest, the most It was not only the question of life as being, but of the most abandoned life and in this context to raise the issue of abortion, "said Mgr Fernandez after the ceremony

. Later, during the second part of his homily, he spoke of the economic crisis in the country and the investments that do not seem to be happening. In his sermon he complained of the slippery spill theory that alludes to "fortunes that fall like crumbs falling off the table of the wealthy."

After the Tedeum, Fernández was very critical: "They always say sooner or later, we will do well, what happens, it is that the economy does not work mathematically, that it do this, an unexpected variable always appears and the one that pays is the lowest. "

The prelate added:" there is a devaluation and the people once again pay the salary, the corralito arrives and loses once more his salary, there is a mortgage crisis in the United States and once again we pay everything on the poor, that we will follow the dogmas of liberalism and that everything will be fine because in a few years everything can be bad and that the lower ones pay. "

Regarding abortion, the Archbishop urged President Mauricio Macri to veto the case of becoming law, as h Uruguayan President Tabaré Vázquez, s" he "has a deep conviction on the subject. "

With this homily, Mgr Fernandez, little by little, began to make the difference with the outgoing prelate Hector Aguer.

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