#AbortoLegal | They introduced the IVE Bill with modifications


According to a report prepared by Amnesty International, the Complications resulting from unsafe abortions have been the leading cause of maternal mortality in the last 30 years.

From 1983 to today, at least 3030 women died of a dangerous abortion. Between 2010 and 2015, almost 20% of maternal deaths are due to unsafe abortions.

"In Argentina, it is estimated that about 450,000 abortions are performed each year, or about 1233 abortions per day, about 51 abortions per hour and more than one abortion every two births," the report says.

In 2018, the project managed to enter the National Congress, where, after an intense public debate, with about 770 specialized exhibitions, He obtained the average sanction in the Chamber of Deputies, but was rejected in the Senate with 38 votes against and 31 for.


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In this context, the women's organizations that are part of the national campaign (…), there was a successful debate the modified project that will be presented on Tuesday. "Last year, there was an internal debate on the campaign, a drafting committee was set up with fellow lawyers and health professionals, including network and lifeguards", he described. Popular Yamila Picbado, member of the campaign.

From regional debates in each province, the drafting committee prepared a second version which was presented at the national plenary session of 17 March in Córdoba, with more than 200 women representatives from all regions of the country, where they debated until the project was completed final presented Tuesday.

Legal abortion


The main changes:

Causal system: Integrate the cause of integral health, which according to the World Health Organization, includes physical, mental and social diseases.

Subject of law: pregnant person, which includes women and badual dissent with the uterus.

The practice must be guaranteed within five days of the woman's request.

Right to information and advice in case she asks for it, but not as an obligation to access the practice.

The practice will be considered as part of the mandatory medical plan (PMO) so that social and prepaid works are forced to cover him 100%, contemplating the drug and abortion pre and pos. As well as the Free in the public health service.

– Modification of Criminal Code: do not penalize women who have abortions, nor the persons or the medical staff who accompany this decision. Yes, anyone who forces a person to have an abortion will be penalized.

"In the previous project, we wanted to eliminate the articles, we changed them because we understand that it is a basic code that implies a binding and enforceable nature for the provinces, unlike a national law to which the provinces adhere or not, "he said. Picbado.


Sex education to decide, contraceptives not to abort

The slogan of the campaign for legal abortion is "Sex education to decide, contraceptives not to abort, legal abortion not to die ". In Argentina, the law of Comprehensive Sex Education (ESI) It has been in force since 2006 and provides education at all levels of public educational institutions, as well as public and private management of the national, provincial and autonomous city of Buenos Aires and municipal jurisdictions. However, Only 9 out of 24 jurisdictions comply with the law.

In this regard, in 2018, the Mujeres organization of the Latinoamericana Matria (MuMaLa) conducted an investigation in order to know the status of the implementation of the ESI. "One in three children responded that they had received no type of ESI-related content and those who received it had only badociated it with contraceptives, diseases badually transmitted diseases and the reproductive system.. Nothing about autonomy, diversity and gender-based violence was. Since the ESI allows us to decide our own body and build healthy relationships, "he explained. Analía Kelly a Popular, representative of MuMaLa Buenos Aires.

"We incorporate a specific article that establishes a guarantee of these pre-existing rights access the ESI and that teachers can be trained with scoring trainingbecause the law has many problems to apply because only teachers must be trained to work overtime and do not offer them a score for their system, which is discouraging, "said Picbado.

With regard to contraceptives, he added that there is in our country "a national program of badual health and responsible procreation since 2002, aimed at facilitating access of contraceptive methods to the general population by providing a basket in health centers, but there is information about it and that is not enough. "

He added: "Last year, with all the green tide, we let children know that they had rights, they must demand them to plan their lives based on their baduality."


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The eighth presentation

"We are presenting this project for the eighth time in a row and we are confident that it is time for the political clbad to repay its debt to women and pregnant people for this access to health," Picbado said.

They understand from the campaign: "This is a difficult year because it is an election year and it means that all candidates do not engage." However, They managed to increase the number of signatory deputies, called "sororist deputies". "This project is transversal to all political parties, to all social clbades and we are seeking the commitment of the entire political clbad so that it can be resolved," he said.

The call started to 3 pm at the Congress of the Nation, where activities will be developedtents will be set up where workshops will be organized on the project. At 5:30 pm, a press conference will be held in Appendix Cand simultaneously a "Federal and world pañuelazo ", with repercussions inside and outside the country.

"By this gesture, we want to show that it has nothing to do with the city but that it is a problem that runs right across the country and that the provinces are also mobilized and are fighting for a legal abortion", concluded Picbado.

For its part, the collective Argentine actresses summoned through a video broadcast on social networks to accompany the presentation.


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