Accidental arrival of the kings of Spain during his official visit – 24/03/2019


The Government had already prepared this morning the reception at Casa Rosada with the escort of the regiment of mounted grenadiers, the honors of the military guard and the Alto Alto Band. But something went wrong during the first contact with Felipe VI and Letizia Ortiz on Argentine soil. Upon arrival at Aeroparque, the kings of Spain were stay in the plane more than half an hour for a failure with the descent ladder. Once the problem was solved, Chancellor Jorge Faurie was still struggling to hide the moment of tension.

The episode mentioned in the delay of Gabriela Michetti to receive Frenchman Emmanuel Macron, in November. In this case, to escape this bad step, the Argentinian officials badured that this service depended on Spain.

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The problem was that did not appear a ladder at the right height so that Felipe VI and his wife can get off the plane. Apparently I was in a shed that only accessible with fingerprint of people who were not in the place. Eventually, kings descended into the Tango Staircase.

Mauricio Macri and Juliana Awada will look to turn the page when they will receive them today at the Salón de los Bustos for a series of ceremonial acts that will include official photos and courtesy messages. This will be one of the first activities of the kings of Spain in the country, with a intense agenda until Wednesday and a government objective: a safeguard in the middle of the complex economic panorama to try to restore confidence in the decisive months of the electoral conflict.

In Casa Rosada, Felipe VI showed signs of support for the government, one of the inputs that Macri usually uses to defend his management. Before adverse indicators Reflecting inflation, declining activity, rising unemployment and uncertainties surrounding the dollar, the president spoke in his speeches of the recurring arguments raised during the recession of the G20 summit. Spain is the Argentina's second largest trading partner, with exports of US $ 1,588.5 million and imports of US $ 1,430.8 million in 2018, according to preliminary data from INDEC.

Felipe had for a long time on the agenda the pbadage to Cordoba for the opening of the International Congress of the Spanish language and then the expanded with his state visit in Buenos Aires. The activities at Casa Rosada will be followed by a lunch at the Quinta de Olivos. With Macri, he will also share a dinner at the CCK, a reception given by the king himself at the Four Seasons and a tribute to the theater of Víctor García de la Concha. San Martin de Córdoba

For the government Implicitly implies Macri support. "This is another example of Spain's support and it's important for trustwe must then do the rest in economics and politics, "he said. Clarin an official involved in the visit. One of the activities will be a business breakfast with Argentine and Spanish businessmen. In the government, they mentioned previous investments (wind, solar, financial services and other areas) and the agreement on the export of biodiesel, although they admitted brake of the currency crisis last year.

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"That's the pin of a standardization cycle that advanced and until then we arrived. We must now take advantage, Argentina and Spain have complementary economies, "said Ambbadador Ramón Puerta, Ambbadador of Argentina in Madrid.The crisis in Venezuela, negotiations for the free agreement -exchange between Mercosur and the European Union and immigration issues will be part of Felipe's pbadage through Argentina.Kings arrived with Chancellor Josep Borrel, who this week will visit directly in Quito for the meeting of the International Contact Group for Venezuela.


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