Accompanied by Juan Guaidó, health workers took to the streets to demand the entry of coronavirus vaccines into Venezuela


Juan Guaidó accompanied the demonstration for vaccines

Citizens and health workers took to the streets of Venezuela this Saturday to demand the regime of Nicolás Maduro for the coronavirus vaccine entry.

The demonstration, accompanied by the interim president Juan Guaidó, was summoned by the president of the College of Nurses of the Capital District, Ana Rosario Contreras, and took place in Plaza Los Palos Grandes in Caracas.

“The vaccine to save lives is a requirement today, but This demonstration is the vaccine to save Venezuela: united and mobilized to claim the fundamental rights of all the people“Said the Leader of the Opposition.

For his part, Contreras urged the entire population to support the country’s health workers. “It is time for civil society, parties and all citizens to join the ‘Vaccines for All’ campaign because health is a right», He expressed.

Citizens and health workers took to the streets
Citizens and health workers took to the streets

In turn, he said on Twitter that “sovereignty resides with the people. We will exercise it and demand a national emergency vaccination plan to stop the lethality of COVID-19. Defending the right to life is everyone’s responsibility, while respecting preventive measures ”.

Regarding vaccines, Venezuelan National Academy of Medicine reiterated this week his warns that drugs under development in Cuba “are not real vaccines” against COVID-19, “but experimental products”, despite the fact that Nicolás Maduro has announced that one of them will be produced in the country.

We have already warned that Cuban products are not real vaccines, but experimental products whose composition, harmlessness or effectiveness is not known, ”we read in a press release from the Academy.

Last Sunday, Maduro announced that Venezuela to produce 2 million Abdullahs per month, one of Cuba’s COVID-19 vaccine projects, after reiterating that it had signed an agreement with the Caribbean island to manufacture the drugs.

They demand entry of vaccines into the country
They demand entry of vaccines into the country

“We have signed an agreement to produce in our laboratories (…) 2 million vaccines per month of the Abdalá vaccine, already there for the month of August, September, approximately,” said the leader.

He also assured that the country will sign agreements with China, Russia and “other countries” to produce vaccines against COVID-19.

In this regard, the Academy stressed that “there is an urgent need for a national COVID-19 vaccination plan, which serves as fundamental support for all the initiatives necessary to ensure the vaccination of approximately 15 million Venezuelans ”.

So far, Venezuela has acquired 250,000 doses of the Russian vaccine Sputnik-V and 500,000 Chinese Sinopharm, according to information provided by the regime which has barely provided data in this regard, so it is not known how many of them. were vaccinated or to whom.

Units received so far, all in double dose, they only reach 1.3% of the population to be vaccinated, nearly 30 million inhabitants, even if, according to the Minister of Health, Carlos Alvarado, the vaccination is proceeding quickly, which does not correspond to the real figures.

"Vaccinations now", the legend they wrote on their chin strap
“Vaccines now”, the legend they wrote on their chin strap

On the other hand, Maduro announced on Sunday that the executive had succeeded in unlocking funds, which the United States had “kidnapped” due to international sanctions, enough to acquire 11,374,400 vaccines from the Covax mechanism, although diet rejects AstraZeneca formula, which the system had initially attributed to Venezuela.

For the Academy, “this is a step in the right direction“, But they believe that”it’s not enough“, Therefore, in his opinion,”the national claim“For vaccines”must continue until all eligible Venezuelans are vaccinated“.

Doctors speaking to the press in the middle of a protest
Doctors speaking to the press in the middle of a protest

They also announced that the announcement had been made “without the knowledge of the National Technical Council for Access to Covax”, composed of the Ministry of Health, opponents, representatives of the National Academy of Medicine and scientific societies, with the support of the Pan American Health Organization and Unicef.

In this regard, they also ask to correct the doubts that this announcement has aroused, the first of which is the lack of information “on which vaccine will be acquired, or when it will arrive in Venezuela”.


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