Accord with Peronism: a three-edged game forged in pragmatism


Mauricio Macri pointed out that he was driving with one rule: pragmatism. Before the electoral uncertainties, for the first time since taking office, the president responded to the old claim that demanded to go ahead with an agreement with the opposition. But this decision also involves summarizing the possible candidacy of Cristina Kirchner and reinforcing the message aimed at calming the markets.

At the height of the last race against the dollar, the government opened two channels of dialogue: with the International Monetary Fund (


and with opposition leaders he considers "rational and responsible". The first group, led by the Minister of Finance,

Nicolás Dujovne

, managed to ensure that the Fund is loosening its hands

central bank

to intervene in the trading area.

The second, in charge of

Rogelio Frigerio

, one of the leaders of the political wing, who has always defended a wider agreement with the opposition, explored with Pichetto and Urtubey the possibility of agreeing on 10 measures currently being revised. Later, it is the governor of Salta who transmitted the project to Sergio Mbada.

Two intentions prompted the president to give the green light to this new adventure, which leaves behind a position unchanged for three and a half years of leadership. First and foremost, Macri seeks to expose that the extreme position represented by the former president before the multilateral credit agency and the rest of the creditors represents only the Kirchner.

But, in addition, if the government manages to seal the declaration with part of Peronism, it will be an unequivocal signal for the markets that, after burying the "Plan V", will add a new gesture of certainty and governance.

The bargain also hides a trap for non-Kirchner PJ representatives seeking to emerge as a competitive option over the crack: rejecting the treat will expose them to an identification with the former president and his tribe.

The president understood

the message that came in the form of surveys

. He announced a package of measures to boost consumption, including freezing tariffs and basic basket products, two policies he has always resisted. He has renegotiated with the IMF and is now going ahead with the opposition on a common agenda, unthinkable just a few weeks ago. In just 15 days, Macri made it clear that he was ready to give in to win.


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