According to a senior US official, "the agreement with the IMF gives confidence to the markets" – 21/07/2018


US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin badured that the agreement signed between Argentina and the International Monetary Fund will help restore market confidence. "We are in favor of the IMF loan, obviously we are participating and we are part of this facility that we have been granted, and we believe that the funding provides confidence in the level of badets that they will not have. need " said this Saturday morning at the press conference that he gave as part of the meeting of G20 ministers of economy and central bankers that meets this week in Buenos Aires

. one of the countries that has most supported the Cambiemos government policies and to support the agreement with the Fund. Mnuchin badured last June that the economic and financial policies led by the government of Mauricio Macri "deserve strong support from the international community." And in March, at the first meeting of the G-20 Economics Ministers in Buenos Aires, he emphasized Macri's policy "They have been very productive and we are pleased with the improvements from the Argentine economy.

On Saturday morning, Mnuchin gave a press conference, and on Argentina, he said that "there are Huge opportunities in their economy. There are problems, reforms that the government is specifically working on that I do not want to comment on publicly. But the combination of how the authorities handled the economic situation and the program with the IMF is encouraging for us, "said the Treasury Secretary on the Argentine government's response to the monetary crisis of the last few months.

Overall IMF, Mnuchin said that "it's more than enough." The agency approved a disbursement of $ 50,000 million in three years and said that if the situation changes and that there is reason to review the amount, it will be evaluated. axes of the official's exposure were two: One, aspects of the trade disputes between the United States United, China and Europe ("We want free trade, without barriers, tariffs or subsidies, to be fair and reciprocal.") The other, the currency manipulation and the statements of Donald Trump on the rates regulated by Federal Reserve . The President had tweeted the Indeed, increases in the interest rates of the monetary authority are depriving US exports of their competitiveness. "I want to badure you that the intention was not to pressure the Fed or jeopardize its independence," said Jeremy Powell, the head of the Federal Reserve who is staying in the same hotel. than Mr. Mnuchin.

On the dollar, the Treasury Secretary said that in the long run, a strong currency reflected the strength of an economy and that in the short term his vision of what the markets are determining Is not relevant. "Let's be clear, it's not that the president is trying to intervene on the currency markets," he said, adding that the United States is not trying to control the value of his currency.

by the government to hold meetings with IMF managers and discuss the progress of the economy and the adjustment of variables to the objectives set in the agreement.

Friday, Minister Nicolás Dujovne held a meeting with the head of the agency, Christine Lagarde, and then there was a dinner at President Mauricio Macri's and other officials of the Fund. This is the third time this year that Macri is leading the IMF.

With Lagarde were the deputy fund director David Lipton, the director of the Western Hemisphere Department, Alejandro Werner, and the head of the mission for Argentina, Roberto Cardarelli. The Fund is evaluating the opening of an office in the country to monitor the $ 50 billion reserve credit and government accounts, but it has not yet been confirmed, although according to the government, it is very likely.

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