According to an expert, the structure of Notre-Dame Cathedral would not withstand winds over 90 km


The structure of the Notre-Dame Cathedral, devastated by a fire on April 15, could give way to winds of 90 km / h, its resistance having fallen by 60% after the accident, said a specialist.

Paolo Vanucci, professor at the University of Versailles, one of the leading experts of the Cathedral and author, in 2016, a report on fire hazards in the famous church, has badured that the structure of the temple would have been changed, according to the ANSA agency. .

"We are measuring a 60% decrease in wind resistance," Vanucci told the French press, noting that "a part no longer exists, the roof and part of the vault are gone" .

According to the calculations of the engineer, before the fire occurred, the cathedral had a critical threshold of wind resistance of 222 km / h, but this threshold is now reduced to winds of 90 km / h.

Vannucci does not exclude that a "violent storm could, in the present conditions, cause the collapse of a part of the clerestorio", that is to say the upper row of the walls of the ship adorned with windows.


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