According to Espert, the IMF will have to ask for more money – 27/02/2019


Economist José Luis Espert came to Washington to present his ideas as a candidate for the presidency alternative to Kirchnerism and Macrismo. The leader of the Libyan party presented his economic plan at a meeting with the International Monetary Fund, met with State Department officials, and lectured in the city's badysis centers, such as Wilson and Libertarian of CATO. He had already traveled to New York, where he talked about the progress of the economy with bankers and investors.

In the dialogue with Argentine correspondents in Washington, Espert fought with President Mauricio Macri and said that with his government he "failure" "It will end up having less economic activity, more inflation and more poverty than the Kirchian left". But he believes that the Argentine economy "hits a floor" and could bounce back from there, although he does not know if it's "an apartment or just a break" as it will depend on the political landscape.

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At IMF headquarters, Espert met with Alejandro Werner, director of the Western Hemisphere, and Roberto Cardarelli, who has just returned from Buenos Aires, where he headed the mission that examined the figures of the Argentine economy and discovered opposition figures. . Espert has ratified before the leaders of the Fund the pillars of its economic program: free trade, a state without deficit and with less tax and a reform of the workforce. He said that the economists of the organization were "D & # 39; agreement". An IMF spokesman stressed Clarin that the meeting had been "Productive" and that they hope to "continue the dialogue in the future".

While Espert said that he had not told them about what he would do with the program signed by the Macri government with the Fund, the candidate told reporters that he believed thatand will need more money out of the $ 57,600 million agreed with the international organizationalthough he did not specify the amount.

At the IMF, they asked you what you would do with the current program.

– No, they did not ask me. But I have my position taken. It will depend on whether Argentina, at the end of next year, can access the private capital market to see if we need more money from the Fund. There is only $ 10 billion left from January 2020 to June 2021. It's very little. Even by recovering market access, we will need a little more from the Fund.

– Would it be more money or an extension of payment terms?

– It will depend on our access to the market.

But he is convinced that it will take more funds from the Fund.

– I think it would be wise to do it.

– The IMF announced a slight growth of the economy from the second quarter. Do you agree?

– You must first see if it is a soil or a break. I think a floor is slightly more likely than a break in the fall. The other thing that comes is the relevance of the recovery. That's what is in doubt. If people see the vote in August, in October, in November, the recovery that could underpin this floor.

During his various interviews, Espert indicated that he felt more identified with the policies of Sebastián Piñera in Chile than with those of Donald Trump or Jair Bolsonaro. "Trump does not close the economy, it demands fair trade USA It has the most open economy in the world and is competing with China, which is closed In view of the problem the United States faces, I agree with Trump's trade policy, but Argentina has nothing to do with it, Argentina is the world's most closed economy and the United States It's the most open.

Asked during one of the interviews on the crisis in Venezuela, Espert did not go around and said he was in favor of "A military intervention from the region, requesting US military badistance". The idea, he says, is "to aim to count the leaders of the regime" and to make a "Extraction" by Nicolás Maduro. When asked about the meaning of this term, he gave the example of the regime of Panamanian General Manuel Noriega in the late 1980s. "Noriega was taken to the United States and tried for drug trafficking here."


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