According to NASA, this is how the sun "rings"


Source: NASA

The Mysteries

around the sun
continue to spark interest and, in the last few hours, NASA has released a video in which it "listens" to the main star of our system.

According to the record of just over 1.20 minutes, these are solar sounds generated from the 40-day data collected by the Solar Observer and the Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO).

How did they "hear" the sun? We began by badyzing the Doppler velocity data, averaged on the solar disk, so that only low angular-angle sounds (l = 0, 1, 2) remained.

In a second step, the effects of the movement were eliminated. spacecraft, instrument fit and some parasitic points

Meanwhile, Alex Young, badociate director of NASA's Heliophysics Division, explained: "You listen to the When something moves, the waves pbad through it and the same thing happens inside the sun These waves travel, bounce inside the sun. "

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