According to The Economist, Buenos Aires is among the ten cheapest cities in the world


March 19, 2019
– 12:03

According to the British weekly, the Argentine capital presents the most cost-effective overall living cost, measured in dollars. Caracas is at the top.

The City of Buenos Aires is one of the 10 cities where the cost of living is the most economical in dollars, according to a ranking established by the British weekly L & # 39; economist.

The report noted that Caracas (Venezuela) It is the most economical city, followed by Damascus (Syria), Tashkent (Uzbekistan), Almaty (Kazakhstan) and Bangalore (India).

The list continues Karachi (Pakistan), Lagos (Nigeria) and Buenos Aires, followed by Chennai and New Delhi, India.


He found half a million dollars and made them

In any case, the positioning is due, according to the Intelligence Unit of The Economist, to "the impact of the devaluation of the currency" in the clbadified countries.

At the other extreme, Paris, Singapore and Hong Kong, on a level playing field, rank first among the world's most expensive cities, according to a report that badyzes the prices of goods and services in 133 cities around the world.

Among the quantified parameters are the cost of rent, transportation, education, food, beverages, clothing, housewares, personal care and recreational activities.


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