According to the UN, to end climate change, you have to eat more salad | Chronic


A UN-backed report warned that humanity must adopt a healthy diet based on plant consumption to end climate change, he said. Daily mail

"We should adopt a healthy plant-based diet, reduce food waste and invest in technologies that reduce the impact on the environment", he said Johan Rockstrom, former director of the Institute for Research on the Impact of Climate Change.

According to the British media, the text indicates that our food system generates between 25 and 30% of greenhouse gases. He also said that to feed the 9.8 billion people on Earth by 2050, it will produce 56% more food than in 2010.

The report also states that if the level of consumption of meat and dairy products increases with current food habits, 6 million square kilometers of forest should become land for pasture and crops.

However, the possibility of performing a "great food processing" faces other measures to combat greenhouse gas emissions. A report by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) proposes to convert large areas of land into biofuel crops or CO2-absorbing trees.

The amount of bioenergy needed for carbon capture and storage (BECCS) in the coming decades will depend on how quickly we put fossil fuels aside and reduce our carbon footprint. In fact, to limit heating to 1.5 ° C, 7.6 million square kilometers would have to be converted into BECCS or "carbon neutral" for three decades

The Earth's surface temperature has already risen by one degree Celsius from pre-industrial levels, which is enough to cause an extremely deadly climate and sea level rise that could overwhelm the major coastal cities of Africa. 39, here 2100. To find out more Inri, in 2018, 41.5 billion tons of CO2 were added to the atmosphere, 2% more than the year before.


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